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March 3, 2009

Age Related Issues


June 2008:  The Employee Benefit Research Institute (EBRI): Expected Age of Retirement … and Working in Retirement. What is the age at which American workers are planning to retire? Is that age changing? Why do some workers continue working in retirement?

February 2008: Center for Retirement Research at Boston College: Older Women’s Income and Wealth Packages in Cross-National Perspective : By Timothy M. Smeeding, Janet C. Gornick, Eva Sierminska, and Maurice Leach : For executive summary in PDF: Full paper in PDF

February 2008: Center for Retirement Research at Boston College:The Implications of Career Lengths for Social Security : Melissa M. Favreault and C. Eugene Steuerle : For executive summary in PDF: For full paper in PDF

December 2007: Urban Institute: Who Will Hire Me When I’m 64? Challenges in Increasing the Employment of Older Workers: As the first wave of baby boomers reaches the age of Social Security entitlement, the United States faces a demographic tsunami.

October 2007: The Center for Retirement Research at Boston College : “A Gradual Exit May Not Make For a Happier Retirement” by Esteban Calvo, Kelly Haverstick, and Steven A. Sass. For full paper in PDF

October 2007: Center for Retirement Research at Boston College: What Makes Retirees Happier: A Gradual or ‘Cold Turkey’ Retirement?: By Esteban Calvo, Kelly Haverstick, and Steven A. Sass. For executive summary in PDF For full paper in PDF

October 2007: The Center for Retirement Research at Boston College “Working Wives Reduce Social Security Replacement Rates” by Alicia H. Munnell, Geoffrey Sanzenbacher, and Mauricio Soto . For full paper in PDF

October 2007: The Center for Retirement Research at Boston College :“Medicare Costs and Retirement Security” by Alicia H. Munnell. For full paper in PDF

September 2007: The Center for Retirement Research at Boston College “The Role of Private Insurance in Financing Long-term Care” by Howard Gleckman. For the full paper in PDF

August 2007: The Center for Retirement Research at Boston College : “Promoting Work: Implications of Raising Social Security’s Early Retirement Age” by John A. Turner . For full paper in PDF

August 2007:The Center for Retirement Research at Boston College Is There Really a Retirement Savings Crisis? An NRRI Analysis:by Alicia H. Munnell, Anthony Webb, and Francesca Golub-Sass. For full paper in PDF 

July 2007: The Center for Retirement Research at Boston College : “An Annuity that People Might Actually Buy” : by Anthony Webb, Guan Gong, and Wei Sun : For full paper in PDF  

June 2007: Center for Retirement Research at Boston College:The Labor Supply of Older Americans: By Alicia H. Munnell and Steven A. Sass. For full paper in PDF.

May 2007: The Center for Retirement Research at Boston College : “Do People Plan to Tap Their Home Equity in Retirement?” by Alicia H. Munnell, Mauricio Soto, and Jean-Pierre Aubry . For full paper in PDF format, click here ; To access detailed survey data, click here

May 2007: The Center for Retirement Research at Boston College :“Employers Lukewarm About Retaining Older Workers” by Andrew D. Eschtruth, Steven A. Sass, and Jean-Pierre Aubry . For full paper in PDF format, click here ; To access detailed survey data, click here

December 2006: The Center for Retirement Research at Boston College : “”Employer Survey: 1 of 4 Boomers Won’t Retire Because They Can’t”- by Alicia H. Munnell, Steven A. Sass, and Jean-Pierre Aubry.   For full paper in PDF format, click here ; To access detailed survey data, click here

September 2006: Center for Retirement Research at Boston College’s Issue in Brief “Will Reverse Mortgages Rescue the Baby Boomers?”by Andrew D. Eschtruth, Wei Sun, and Anthony Webb* For full paper in PDF format, click here



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